Saturday, May 30, 2015

                       Furry Friends 

Anatole France: "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."

Are you a cat or a dog person?

I'm one of those annoying people who claims to like cats more, always quickly adding that I also like dogs. Maybe a 60/40 split? Is that allowed? 

A dog is a great companion because they're goofy, patient, hardworking and kind. I love that about them. A cat is a fun addition to the household because they're demanding, clever, playful yet sometimes aloof. I love that about them.

If you live in the United States, odds are that you have at least one cat or dog. According to the American Pet Products Association, 65% of US households own a pet. It's estimated more than 85 million cats are pets; 77 million dogs are pets.

Do we love and pamper our pets? You bet we do. APPA estimates that $60 billion will be spent on American pets in 2015. Of that astounding total, $23 billion will be spent on food alone. That's a lot of kibble and tuna treats! Apparently we want our pets to look as adorable as possible - this year we'll spend upwards of $5 billion on grooming and boarding. 

Infoplease reports that the most popular dog names in 2014 were Bella, Bailey and Max. In the same year, we named our cats Bella, Max and Chloe. And, our birds were called Coco, Mango or Thumper(huh?).

Americans love Labrador retrievers, German shepherds and golden retrievers according to the American Kennel Club. The most sought after cat breeds are Persians, exotics, and Maine coons, said the Cat Fanciers' Association.

Apparently, time spent walking our pets, feeding and playing with them just isn't enough. We want to read about cats and dogs, too. In your library, check out 636.7 and 636.8 for books chock full of information on dog and cat breeds, how to choose a pet, and memoirs about traveling through life with a furry or feathered companion. Be prepared for an occasional lump in your throat, wild laughter or wrenching sobs.

        Terry Pratchett: "In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."       


Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein. A sweet and poignant story told from the view of Enzo the dog. Keep the tissue box close by.

The Cat Who... (mystery series) - Lillian Jackson Braun. Jim, a human, and Koko, a cat, find themselves knee deep in mysteries throughout this series of more than 25 books. 

Old Yeller - Fred Gipson. A Newbery Honor've seen the movie, now read the book!

Where the Red Fern Grows - Wilson Rawls. Another classic that'll bring you back to the fourth grade when your teacher read it aloud (and wept along with the students).

101 Dalmatians - Dodie Smith. Yes, before it was a Disney movie, this tale was a novel.

Good Dog, Carl (series) - Alexandra Day. Wonderful picture books about a gentle Rottweiler. 

Pete the Cat - James Dean. As Pete saunters through each book, little ones will learn all about life, from strawberries to backhoes to making a mess!

If You Give a Cat a Cupcake - Laura Numeroff & Felicia Bond. Read it to find out what really happens...

The Cat in the Hat - Dr. Seuss. Beware of a large cat in a hat showing up at your door on a rainy day at home!

Have You Seen My Cat? - Eric Carle. Cats of all sizes help tell the story of a lost feline.


Amazing Gracie - Mark Beckloff & Dan Dye. Meet Gracie and learn about the start of the now famous Three Dog Bakery.

Marley and Me - John Grogan. Was Marley a stereotypical Lab? He certainly was the life of any and every party.

Travels with Charley - John Steinbeck. The book has come under scrutiny - is it fiction or nonfiction? Regardless, Steinbeck weaves a gentle tale of traveling with his poodle, Charley.

Dewey the Library Cat - Vicky Myron. A cat in the library...maybe not everyone's idea of fun, but Americans loved the idea enough to catapault this book to a bestseller.

Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced and Covered in Cat Hair - Laurie Perry. I laughed my way through this book with that aforementioned occasional lump in my throat. 

Rin Tin Tin - Susan Orlean. Yes, the hero has his own biography!

Good Dog. Stay. - Anna Quindlen. A love letter to a Lab named Beau. Read with tissues ready. 

Big New Yorker Book of Cats. The perfect gift for the cat lover...artwork, poems and cartoons, featuring writers such as T.C. Boyle, Margaret Atwood and James Thurber.

Grumpy Cat - Grumpy Cat, author. I'll admit that I became hooked on this book after surgery this past year. Maybe it was the drugs (or not, since I'm still laughing six months later) but I am under the spell of this really grumpy cat. If you need to grumble after a tough day, this is the cat to join you on the couch.  

            Edith Wharton: "My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet."

                                    * * * * * 

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